
Launching applications and unsafe files
Launching applications and unsafe files

Step 4: Simply uncheck mark the option "Account is Disabled", in the 'Administrator Properties Window'. Right click on the 'Administrator' account and open its properties. Step 3: Now you can see all the accounts of your Windows 10 listed there. I mean, Open 'System Tools', then 'Local Users and Groups', and then 'Users'. Now navigate to -Ĭomputer Management (Local)>System Tools>Local Users and Groups>Users Step 2: You can see the option 'Local Users and Groups' on the left panel of 'Computer Management' Window. Make sure to try once, just press Win + X. Tip: You can also open this 'Secret Start' using the 'Keyboard Shortcut'. Step 1: Right Click on Start and open 'Computer Management'. How to Resolve Windows 10 Apps and Software Installation Blocked Error: It's all just because the driver software of this model of D-Link data card is not signed. But Windows 10 does not allows to install it. Whose software is inbuilt, and this model is just 2 years old maximally. Take example of my case, D-Link's data card. But the problem occurs when it also blocks the applications and software from an installation which are not dangerous at all. This is to protect you from the unknown threats and it is a must-have feature. In that case, Windows 10 does not allow you to install that particular App or Software. If Windows 10 seems to have an unauthorized App or Software on the system and that cannot be trusted. Windows 10 is very strict in terms of security.

launching applications and unsafe files

This problem is primarily due to the SmartScreen feature of Windows 10. Main cause of Windows 10 Apps and Software Installation Blocked Error:

launching applications and unsafe files

So now I'm going to tell that how this problem can be dealt. And I think, many of you may have also encountered such problem, or it could happen in the future.

launching applications and unsafe files

Well, I found a solution to this problem.

launching applications and unsafe files

After all, it is one of the top most brands in the hardware and network vendors. And I really don't think that D-Link comes under non-trusted publisher’s category. The reason is, of course, the publisher is not trusted!!! I was appalled by seeing this error message because the data card manufacturer is D-Link. But when I began to install the data card software in Windows 10, an error message appeared on the screen, " This app has been blocked for your protection". Just recently, I had needed to use data card temporarily in place of my broadband connection.

Launching applications and unsafe files